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我高兴的一天 My Happiest Day
更新时间:2024-04-18 15:26:56

我高兴的一天 My Happist Day

我高兴的一天 My Happiest Day

My Happist Day

Today is Friday. It is my thirtnth birthday. I got up vry arly in th morning and put on my nw cloths happily.My parnts bought m th nw cloths as my birthday prsnts. I wnt to school arlir than bfor.I invitd many of my classmats to com to my birthday party in th vning.

vning cam at last.Many of my classmat cam to my hom. thy bought m lots of bautiful prsnts. thy all said,"Happy birthday to you!" W sang birthday songs happily.thn my parnts brought out a big birthday cak, saying, "W lov you for vr. Happy birthday!"

At th nd of th party, w at th birthday cak and som othr dlicious food. How happy I was!

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